Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pocket OneMap Update!

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | Category: , , , , , , |

So most of you OneMap fans would have already heard the good news that our academic institution partner - Nanyang Polytechnic has won the Best Design Award at the Asia Top 50 Apps competition.A big congratulations to them!

Did you do your part to vote for Pocket OneMap? If you haven't and you wish to support them now, or you have and want to get more out of Pocket OneMap, do check out your app updates if you have not already done so cos' 1 of them could possibly be the Pocket OneMap update!

So what are the new enhancements in this update? The compass function!

After you have successfully installed the update, you will find that a mini compass has been added into the bottom left of the interface. No worries about the new changes as the rest of the tabs like search and identify are still there and in the original positions.

You would have noticed that the compass may move a little as you 1st open the app. Basically, it indicates where are your north, south, east and west directions.

To activate the compass, simply tab on the compass icon and it will point towards the direction you are walking to as you move. This function is useful when you know which direction you should travel to reach your destination but do not have a compass. With this compass, not only can you navigate along the correct direction, you are also able to view on the map if you are going to reach the destination soon!

So be sure to update your Pocket OneMap to get another useful function! Like we always say, with OneMap, "Now you can get to the place!" :)

Currently have 3 comments:

  1. Any version for android? andorid phones are seeing an increase in sales, and recently an android hp, Samsung Galaxy S 2 was voted as the world's best mobile, beating I phone. Hope to see a version out asap.

  2. Really looking forward to android version of onemap.

  3. Is crashing at the startup in Android 5.0

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