Sunday, October 23, 2011

Optimised Public Transport Routing System!

Posted by OneMap | Sunday, October 23, 2011 | Category: , , , , |

TeamOneMap has been working really hard behind the scenes to make the public transport routing on OneMap better and more comprehensive. :)

Let’s take a look at some of the enhancements to more accurately estimate the traveling distance and time!

1. Differentiation between common transfers and vicinity transfers

A common transfer occurs is when passengers need to alight at one bus stop/MRT station and hop on to the next bus service/ MRT line without the need to walk. Whereas a vicinity transfer means passengers have to walk to a nearby bus stop / MRT station to take another bus service / MRT. This refinement has been added to the system to better estimate travelling distance.

A common transfer example

Black line indicates the vicinity transfer (walking from Orchard MRT Station to the nearby bus stop)

2. Waiting and walking time

Part and parcel of taking public transportation is the waiting and walking time. We understand that, cos’ we’re not drivers too, haha... So the average waiting time and the time required to walk from one stop to another is taken into consideration.

Display of waiting and walking time

3. Multiple combination of services

So many times, routing in map services indicates only one bus can be taken and when we reach the bus stop, we realise that we are spoilt for choices.  This issue is also resolved! There will be multiple bus services indicated on the routing widget so you know you do not have to wait for a particular bus when you arrive at the bus stop.

More bus services to take

4. New cheapest and fastest traveling options

Feeling short of money or time? Want to save up more to buy more things? Now we have the cheapest option to get from place to place!

Cheapest and fastest options available

Hope our smarter transport routing system can help you plan your journey better! :)

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