Friday, October 14, 2011

Housing Infomap: Your one stop website to find out more around your house!

Posted by OneMap | Friday, October 14, 2011 | Category: , , , , , , , , , , |

Want to know the location of important amenities like town councils and HDB branch offices to pay your conservancy fee or season parking fee? With Housing Infomap service jointly created by MND, URA, HDB and SLA, you can!

This Housing Infomap ( is also an excellent example where the OneMap APIs are integrated into a website. To view the available OneMap APIs, please refer to this link:
The interface of the map portal is sleek and simple to navigate. Under the Town Councils and HDB Branch Offices tab, users can click on either the “Town Councils” or “HDB Branch Offices” to view their locations. 

 Hover your mouse over the icons and you can identify the name of the town council or branch office.

What’s more, there is also this “Other Useful Information” option where you can select categories and the relevant theme layers parked under these categories… Ok, do these themes look familiar? Yup, they are actually themes and categories from the OneMap portal!

These themes can be “called” to the website through APIs and the mashing up of other information can help produce meaningful visualization and analysis of data or just simply to help us make decisions. For example, the PropertyPrices service can also be “called” here and users can view transacted property price information together with other themes!

 And finally, just a small tip on using this serivce. If you want to view the whole map, simply click on the yellow square button at the top right of the widget to hide it like this:

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