Saturday, January 15, 2011

Top Searched Themes for the Month of December

Posted by OneMap | Saturday, January 15, 2011 | Category: , |

Time again for our favourite section! The top searched themes! Yay!

We are not too sure why but there is always a sense of hype and expectation when we reveal the top searched themes for the month. Although we always see some usual suspects (or rather, themes) squeezing into the top 10 consistently, it is the new themes that make us excited and trigger our analytical minds to think 'Why'...

Here are the top 10 most searched themes for the month of December:

We scratched our heads a bit and came up with some interpretations...

Since it was December, school holidays ruled and we see more people searching for parks, sports, tourism, possibly finding some recreational stuff to do. Hotels climbed back to the top! Any explanation for this? Kindergartens lost its podium position for the 1st time in 3 months and fell to 5th place. Something worth noting - Grassroots Events came close to finishing in the top 3 at no.4. Our guess is that many users are searching for alternative countdown celebration parties to attend in the heartlands after we publicised the countdown party theme layer. Well done users!

What is your take on this table? Feel free to comment and share with others!

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