Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Queuing up overnight for... a kindergarten place?!?!

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, January 12, 2011 | Category: , |

The Straits Times reported on 11 Jan that people are queuing overnight for something... TeamOneMap's 1st reaction was "must be some high tech gadgets" or "some warehouse sales or freebies".

Little did we expect that people are queuing overnight just to get on the 2013 waitlist of kindergarten!!! We have heard of kiasu parents queuing to get a place for their children who will be enrolling to primary one but it seems like we got a littler more kiasu-er!

And the amazing thing is, the queue is for children who will be enrolled to kindergarten 2 years later! Wow... For those who did not read the papers, the kindergarten mentioned here is Nanyang Kindergarten. The next question in the minds of our spatial information craving team is "where on earth is this popular kindergarten?"

We can get the answer in OneMap!

Upon searching in OneMap, we got the location of Nanyang Kindergarten, which is located along King's Road where all the posh private houses are located! (No wonder there is some prestige attached to it!) But more importantly, the facilities and programmes that the kindergarten provides are pretty attractive!

The current situation is over a 100 kids vying for 96 places... Do those who missed out have other nearby alternatives? OneMap has the answer for worried parents too!

Navigate to the 'Themes' icon and then to the 'Education' option. There will be a kindergarten layer that can be displayed. Select the layer and you can see the kindergartens around the area!

As you can see, there is another kindergarten nearby! You can always click on the icon to get more information. If you wish to see more pre-schools, you can zoom out and the system will automatically detect all the visible kindergartens at your zoom extent.

So dear parents, even if you are not aiming for a place for your child in Nanyang Kindergarten, feel free to use our kindergarten theme to find out all the kindergartens around you! :) 

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