Monday, December 6, 2010

A New Service's Gonna Roll Out Soon!

Posted by OneMap | Monday, December 6, 2010 | Category: |

TeamOneMap has heard the cries and pleas for this feature to be added into the OneMap portal.

It is the most requested service that we have gotten from feedbacks over the past few months and the team has been working really hard on it. Lots of discussions and liaisons were carried out and finally, we are proud to present to you....

What would be the new feature coming out soon?
Oh wait, didn't I say the word soon?

Haha... Let's keep it a mystery for now. If we were to reveal the new feature now, it wouldn't be a pleasant surprise anymore to our loyal OneMap users but trust me, this new kid on the block is going to be a pretty massive and useful!

Feel free to make your guesses by leaving them in the comments section or in facebook. :)

In the meantime, please continue to support the OneMap initiative by promoting it to your friends and relatives if you find it useful! Oh, do tell them it is gonna get more useful very soon!

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