Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hari Raya Haji + GIS Day!

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, November 17, 2010 | Category: |

There are 2 joyous occasion to be celebrated today.

First of all, selamat Hari Raya Haji to all our Muslim viewers! For all our non-Muslim viewers, happy public holiday!

Coincidentally, today, 17th of November 2010 is also GIS day. Each year, GIS day is held on the Wednesday third week of November. This is actually celebrated in conjunction of the Geography Awareness Week. The main purpose of GIS day is of course to increase the awareness of GIS and to showcase how GIS has transformed the way we do things throughout the world.

To find out more about GIS, visit

If after learning the power of GIS, you are suddenly itching to view an example of the outcome of GIS, visit the OneMap portal!


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