Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's the top search in OneMap?

Posted by OneMap | Tuesday, November 23, 2010 | Category: |

For the 1st time in 6 months, we are going to release the top searches in OneMap.sg! YEAH!!!

Who made it to the top? Who got kicked out of top 10 search? Hmm... since this is our 1st time revealing this statistics, you can't really know how the top 10 has changed over the past 6 months. However, be sure to keep an eye for the coming months as we will update you guys the top 10 searches for each month.

Anyway, the OneMap team (or shall we call ourselves TeamOneMap - sounds more trendy!) was pretty surprised by one of the themes being consistently in our top 10 search... Hotels!

Yes, it is hotel... Numbers do not lie, nor did we manipulated with them.

Makes one wonder why so many searched for hotels. Perhaps OneMap is getting more international with more tourists using this portal to search for hotels. Or perhaps the 'staycation' fever is still running high with more locals choosing to stay in local hotels for vacation.

Nevertheless, here are our top 10 searches! Many thanks to all our OneMap users too! :D

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