Friday, July 8, 2011

Hottest Service of the Month: SchoolQuery!

Posted by OneMap | Friday, July 8, 2011 | Category: , , , |

Yes! We're back! After an initial removal of OneMap blog because of suspicion of spam detected by Blogger's bots, we are now aquitted of any wrongdoings and this blog has 'risen from dead'!

TeamOneMap sincerely apologise to our readers if we kept you waiting for such a long time for another interesting article on OneMap.

What is a better way to introduce our comeback with a blockbuster service? It is the time of the year where parents become more tensed up especially when their children are going to enroll into a new primary school. Before the anxiety of balloting (for schools that are much more popular), parents need to 1st find out if their kids qualify to be registered for a particular school. Here is where OneMap's SchoolQuery shall play a huge role in helping you!

Let's see how you can utilise this service with information provided by Ministry of Education!

Scenario 1: Finding schools that are near a building

For parents wondering which schools are their kids eligible to enroll into, you can first type in your postal code, let's say 530301 in the search box. Mouse to the Services Icon and select SchoolQuery. The widget will pop up at the side of your screen.

Tip: Finding your postal code makes it easier for you to use the query function later on as the map is already zoomed to the extent where you can click on the building you are staying in.

Select 'Find Schools near a building' option and the mouse will now be accompanied with a question mark beside it.

In this instance, block 301 is clicked and all the schools that are within 1km (indicated by the red building icons) and 1 to 2km of block 301 (indicated by the blue building icons) are displayed.

To find out more details of those schools, simply click on their icons!

Scenario 2: Finding buildings that are near a school

For parents who are already targeting which school they want to enroll their child into, to stand a better chance, they need to move their house to within 2km of the school. The SchoolQuery can also do the job for you!

Choose the 'Find buildings near a school' option, select a primary school through the dropdown list.

For instance, we have selected Ai Tong School, hit the find button and the school will be displayed, together with the highlighted buildings that are within 1 (indcated in red) and 1 to 2km (indicated in blue) of the primary school.

Tip: You can zoom closer to view which are the buildings in red and blue outline.

We hope that parents are already using this very resourceful tool to help in your child's enrollment! For those who know friends or relatives having kids ready to enroll into primary 1, recommend them OneMap and remember to like our Facebook fan page! :)

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