Friday, June 3, 2011

Services Icon - URA Maps

Posted by OneMap | Friday, June 3, 2011 | Category: , , , |

Remember the post where we introduced to you the URA iPhone app? That is kinda like the mini version of what we are gonna show you today - the URA Maps, which is a map portal developed by URA and listed under OneMap's Services Icons.

The default map loaded when you are directed to the URA maps webpage is the MasterPlan 2008 map. The interface is pretty similar to OneMap where you have the icons and features on the left and the search box at the centre top. The widgets that will be show later will also be popping up on the right.

Let's explore what the maps has to offer!

Master Plan Maps

These are the type of maps that were introduced in the iPhone app post. You can view the different maps by clicking on it.

You can search for a location as well and the map will zoom into the place. Let's say we want to know if there are any areas around Ion Orchard that is under the Parks and Waterbodies Plan, we can simply search for 'Ion Orchard' and then turn on the Parks and Waterbodies Plan to know if there are any parks or waterbodies within the vicinity.

Maps are never complete without a legend. You don't have to crack your head to figure out what do those colours and symbols on the map mean, just go to the 'hammer and spanner' icon (the tools icon) and select 'View Legend'. The legend will show you in detail what those colours mean!

You can do the same by switching to any layer and the legend will change accordingly. :)

Now for something that the iPhone app does not have...

More Maps

Under the More Maps icon, URA has 4 other more interactive maps! Let's look at some of them.

The Conservation Areas layer allows you to view all the places that are under conservation. Either select from the list or click on any of the green areas to display more information of the conserved site.

Want to know which planning boundary does the place belong to? Switch the Planning Boundaries layer on! Users can select by Region, Planning Area or Subzone.

Where can I view OneMap's street map layer then? The answer is in DC Processing Staff layer. If you want to further develop a place and don't know which URA officer to look for, turn this layer on, look at our nice street map and click on the area that your place lies in. You will be able to view the officers who are in charge of the area. To make it convenient for all users, you can just click on the names and your outlook will be activated. Send an email to the officer to enquire about your developments. :)

That's all for some of the very nice maps that the URA Maps portal has to offer, we are sure there will be more to come in the future!

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