Monday, March 7, 2011

New Gallery Icon on OneMap

Posted by OneMap | Monday, March 7, 2011 | Category: |

New, new, new! Haha... New is the 'in' word nowadays for this blog because of the major additions in OneMap. Today we take a look at the Gallery icon, one of the more obvious additions...

In the Gallery icon, you can view the services that private sector companies have built using OneMap.

Currently, we have 4 of them as listed in the picture below:

First on the list we have Directory Services by Global Yellow Pages.

When you click on it, a new window will pop up to direct you to the Internet YellowPages website. So where is the service built using OneMap?

Just search anything in product and services, let's say we type 'restaurants' and hit the search button. The restaurants listing under Global Yellow Pages will appear. The good thing here is, unlike the Yellow Pages book that you flip to get just the textual information of the company, there is a map option in the online version!

Upon clicking the map link in each of the 'restaurants' result, the location of the restaurant you selected will be displayed on OneMap :)

More services to be featured in the upcoming posts, so stay tune!

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