Monday, February 7, 2011

Were you there for NHB's Museums' Open House?

Posted by OneMap | Monday, February 7, 2011 | Category: , , |

TeamOneMap is back to blogging business after a few days of hiatus to celebrate the lunar new year.

What are the things that you have done for the past few days? For those celebrating, I am sure you had a fantastic time eating, drinking, and collecting ang baos! It must have been a very tiring few days doing visiting too...

For those not celebrating, hope you took up TeamOneMap's suggestion to go to some tourist attractions around Singapore!

And, do you know that the National Heritage Board (NHB) actually had an opening house for several of it's museums on the 2nd day of lunar new year? Best of all, it is free!

If you had been to 1 of the 7 free admission museums on Friday, we hoped you have used OneMap to locate them!

The museum theme is parked under 'Culture' and upon hovering on the it, the sub themes will pop up and click on 'Museums' to display the information.

Click on anyone of the icons to see more information of the place. The Asian Civilisation Museum was one of those that was opened free to the public on Friday!

Once again, TeamOneMap hopes all users are still in the festive mood and remember to bring that mood to your workplace or school! :)

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