Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Alamak! Hawker Centre Food Price Hike!

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, February 9, 2011 | Category: , , |

"Uncle ah, 1 plate of carrot cake, white one, no chili..."

A few minutes later...

"Ok, $3.50"

"Er... Uncle, I thought $3.50 is only for Chinese New Year period? Before that you only sell for $3 what..."

"Sorry ah... Nowadays everything the price go up leh... No choice but to up and maintain the price of my carrot cake after CNY lor..."

Have you experienced or overheard this kind of conversation at hawker centres for the past few days? Some of you probably did. Yes, for some hawkers, the price hike during Chinese New Year seems to become a permanent increase. The increase in food prices is due to the increase in prices of ingredients as the production of many groceries such as sugar and chili have slowed down.

Yahoo News even thought this could be the end of the coffeeshop era! O_O

In any case, TeamOneMap feels that this should not stop people from going to places to try good food! That is why we are going to show you another theme today - Hawker Centres!

This theme is provided by National Environment Agency. :)

The hawker centre theme is parked under Environment as shown in the screenshot below.

By clicking on it, you will be able to see the hawker centre locations across Singapore. Of course, there are no indications on the ratings of hawker centres but you can check out more information and reviews when you click on the More Info option if you expand any of the icons. The site should give you plenty of pictures and discussion on food... and probably on which hawker centres are going on a price hike!

So what are your views on the food price hike? Feel free to leave your comments! :)

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