Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weekend Flash Flood Expected!

Posted by OneMap | Saturday, February 19, 2011 | Category: , , , , , |

The Straits Times reported of possible flash floods over the weekend and low-lying areas would be impacted the most.

Residents living in low-lying areas should be extra alert and they can receive news of the weather via the various avenues from National Environment Agency (NEA). Drains and canals are also likely to flood in an event of heavy rainfall coinciding with high tides. The Public Utilities Board (PUB), as mentioned in a previous post, has created a service using OneMap and the general public can view live information of the water levels of drains and canals across Singapore.

Some of you may be concerned if the location of your house is identified as a flood prone area... No worries because PUB has also mapped out the flood prone areas on OneMap!

You can go to this link to visualise where in Singapore are all the flood prone areas located.

The default view does not show the flood prone areas but you can zoom out and in to get a better understanding of the distribution of flood prone areas in Singapore (Something which you probably can't do with just a table of information).

The blue regions indicate areas that are prone to floods and it seems like the south east part of Singapore is especially prone to floods...

If you zoom in, you would be able to see in more details which are the specific areas that are prone to flooding.

Alternatively, you can also click on the link that shows the list of flood prone areas. Do read up on the other articles on managing flash floods on the PUB website to get a better idea of the causes, preventive measures and other useful information to deal with flash floods.

Where can you get such authoritative information from government agencies? Only through OneMap! :D

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