Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kickstart your Healthy Lifestyle!

Posted by OneMap | Saturday, January 8, 2011 | Category: , |

TeamOneMap was guessing what would be the the few most popular new year resolutions people would be making each year. We figured out that majority of us would be hoping to spend less money, save up more, learn something new and... of course, the ladies (mostly) would be thinking "I NEED TO SLIM DOWN!". So their new year resolution would be "to exercise more to get rid of the excess fat!".

Signing up for expensive slimming packages would be nice but for those who want to keep fit and slim in a 'natural' and less expensive way, exercising would be the best option!

OneMap has all the locations of Sports and Recreation Centres provided by the Singapore Sports Council. Check out how you can find the nearest centre to kickstart your slimming and keeping fit resolution!

Select the Themes icon and navigate to the Sports option. Currently, we only have one theme, which is Sports Centres.

Upon clicking on it, you will see the Sports and Recreation Centres in Singapore. Zoom in and click the icons to view more information of the place. You can also click on 'More Info', which would bring you to the SSC website. :)

Now you should have no excuses of not being able to find a good gym to sweat it out and you are probably more motivated to get that ideal waistline!

Regardless of the new year resolutions you made, we wish you the luck and determination to do it! :D

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