Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let's go to Singapore's Hottest Spot with OneMap's Public Transport Route!

Posted by OneMap | Saturday, December 11, 2010 | Category: , , |

Mirror mirror on the wall, where is the hottest spot of all in Singapore?

Hmm... we do not have to rely on the mirror but news! So where is the place that every one is going to now?

I believe some of you may have the answer already... Nex!

For those who do not know where is Nex, go do a search in OneMap :)

Since the opening of Nex (a mega shopping mall in Serangoon Central), the car park problem has somehow stolen the limelight from the unbelievable shopping space in the mall. I personally experienced the horrendous queue of vehicles waiting to enter the car park. You can read more of the story in this STOMP post.

One good way you can avoid this massive car park jam is to take public transport! And guess what, you can use OneMap's latest service - the public transport routing to get you to Nex!

So let me just test the routing system for 3 starting locations to see if it works!

Test 1: From Jurong East Bus Interchange to Nex

It will take us 48 min to get to Nex! (Solution 2 and 3 will take over 80 min!)

Test 2: From Woodlands Auto Hub to Nex

This will take 50 min (Solution 2)

Test 3: From Elias Mall to Nex

Results: 35 min :)

So how do you find our public transport routing service? Feel free to comment in the comment section below or in our facebook fan page. :)

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