Friday, November 26, 2010

OneMap is now on SGTrack!

Posted by OneMap | Friday, November 26, 2010 | Category: , , |

Good news. EastGear, the company behind SGTrack, has successfully integrated OneMap into the system! EastGear certainly has good foresight to choose OneMap as the base map for their tracking business. Thank you EastGear!
SGTrack uses Global Positioning System (GPS) to enable tracking of vehicles for a wide range of uses. Click here to find out more about the services provided and how they can help your company!

Here are some screenshots of the program:

To get a feel of how the program works, click here to access the free demo version. Remember to navigate to 'map' tab and select OneMap to see the tracking of vehicles on our map platform!

Currently have 5 comments:

  1. Lie! The company behind onemap integration is Franson Technology, Sweden. EastGear should not claim it is their work.

  2. Very dishonest... Take people work and bullshit it is their own development

  3. This company is a trading company, not a software company. You can find they also sell iPhone accessories. Looks more like supermarket...

  4. Went to their website, not very professional....

    Also sell photo assessories and papers!!

  5. Hi,

    If you don't like about them, you ca always google for other providers better in service and records. Look like EG is operating like a wholesaler of many types of gadgets and electronics. If you look for specialist, then probably EG may not fit you. They provide very basic track and trace service which may not be suitable for companies looking for serious stuffs. Just my piece of advice...

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