Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Services Icon - Space2Lease

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | Category: , , , , |

The services created using OneMap are certainly coming 'fast and furious'! Check out the long list of services we have in this screenshot. :)

Today, we are going to introduce our users to Space2Lease! If you remember the post on BizMap, you will find this one very similar because they are essentially performing the same function. We will point out some extra functions that Space2Lease have over BizMap.

Users can click on the Space2Lease option from the Services icon and the widget will pop up. You can select the various types of properties but checking the boxes. In addition, you can specify the price range of the property and also the area.

In this instance, we are going to leave everything as it is and click the find button.

We can see that at this moment there are a few spaces to lease by SLA and HDB.

As with all the services developed using OneMap, users can click on the icons that appear on the map to find out more information.

The additional function here allows users to add their targeted properties to a list. In this example, we have added some of them and are able to view all the properties in a table for easier comparison. You can save it as a pdf document or print it out to share with others too! :)

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