Friday, April 22, 2011

BizMap on EnterpriseOne!

Posted by OneMap | Friday, April 22, 2011 | Category: , , |

Another new service is launched!

BizMap, as the name suggests, is a service built using OneMap that displays the vacant properties available for rent by HDB and SLA for users to do businesses.

To access this service, you can go to the EnterpriseOne e-services page and click on the BizMap icon.

First of all, you can select properties owned by either HDB or SLA. If you are comfortable with both, then check both the boxes.

From the drop down list under type and location, you can choose from a few options such as office or warehouse and the various locations to find out if there are any suitable spaces to rent for your business.

In addition, you can indicate your preferred rental costs and the amount of space required for your businesses.

In this example, we shall keep everything as default and look at the information available.

We have zoomed into the Bugis area and we can see that there are 2 available spaces to lease by HDB and SLA, indicated by the red and green pins respectively.

Users can click on the pins to find out more about the properties to rent. In this example, if I am interested to view more details of this property by SLA around Dhoby Ghaut, simply click the more info link and greater details of this property, such as the the managing company, tenure and even pictures of it will be displayed on a new webpage.

This definitely makes the process of finding properties to rent so much easier and convenient!

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