Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tip: Don't know what the letters stand for? Look at the abbreviations!

Posted by OneMap | Saturday, February 26, 2011 | Category: , |

Some of you might have viewed OneMap and tried to guess what do some of the abbreviations mean...

If i asked you what do abbreviations like MSCP, TC, Hts and U/C mean on OneMap, some people would have the correct guess while others may require some help but no worries, we do have a widget to tell you what they mean!

When I first viewed OneMap, I was puzzled what MSCP means and some of you may have the same question mark as I do. It actually means Multi-Storey Car Park. One can hazard a guess if he/she looks at the map with all these MSCP polygons in close proximity to many of the HDB flats but more unique ones like TC would be problematic.

Let's take a look at where the abbreviations option is.

On the bottom left corner of the map, there is this Abbreviations option, select it and a widget on the top right corner of OneMap will pop up.

In this example, I want to know what does Marine Parade TC, a building at the centre of the map, means. Simply scroll down to TC and you will see it actually means Town Council!

Hope this abbreviations widget will be of help to those who don't really know what the letters for some of the building mean. :)

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