Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tip: Print Map Using the Print/Save Tool!

Posted by OneMap | Wednesday, February 16, 2011 | Category: , , |

It's time for a simple tip on how to use OneMap!

Have you ever wanted to print a map from OneMap? You don't have to use your browser's print tool because there is already a print tool in OneMap!

Here's how you go about doing it:

Pan and zoom to the extent of the map that you want to print out.

Hover to the Tools icon, navigate to Print/Save option and click.

You can give your map a title, check to agree on the terms and conditions then select print.

And that's it! A nice and accurate online map is now presented to you in physical form!

PS: Please ensure that your computer is connected to a printer before you click the print button! Haha...

Currently have 1 comments:

  1. I follow the instruction, but upon clicking the PRINT button, only a blank sheet is shown on the screen and could only print out the blank copy. Can help to enlighten me? Could it be that my computer is not set properly

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