Thursday, December 16, 2010

Top Searched Themes for the Month of November

Posted by OneMap | Thursday, December 16, 2010 | Category: , |

For those who like tables and ranking, here are the top searches in OneMap for the month of November 2010!

It was a very close fight between kindergarten and childcare! I sense parents getting their children ready for school next year! Hotel search has dropped to third place but still remains at the top 3 podium... probably more people are opting to travel overseas this year and the fever of staycation has cooled down a bit? Wireless hotspots, hawker centres, tourism, dengue clusters and national parks all kept their spots but family and museums lose their top 10 places this month to sports clubs and community clubs.

Are you able to predict all the top 10 spots for the month of December? Post your predictions on the comment section below or in our facebook fan page!

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