Monday, December 27, 2010

Tip: Embed OneMap on your website!

Posted by OneMap | Monday, December 27, 2010 | Category: , , |

Remember the post where Mini-Me popped up?

Hope that 'tutorial' was easy and fun to follow. For those of you who actually went to the API page to explore the simple APIs will discover an even better code that can be used to display OneMap on your website!

Let's see how you can do something like this:

Think this is tough? Think again because my grandma can do it, so can you :)

1. Go to the OneMap API Documentation page

2. Click on the Mini Map tab on the left column. You should get a screen like this:

3. Click on the 'View live example' option at the bottom and you would get to a page where you need to type in your preferred map size. The search value requires you to type in a postal code or the name of a location you want your users to see. I have typed in '500' for the width and '250' height and the search value I typed in 'Revenue House'.

4. Click on the 'View Map' option to get a preview of the size of the map.

5. Once you are comfortable with the map size and location shown, click on 'Generate iFrame' and a code would be generated.

6. Copy the iFrame Code and paste it onto your html enabled canvas and you will get the map showing your desired location. :)

Easy right?

We hope that more users can consume our very simple to use APIs and add more class to your website by providing map information to your viewers!

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. How can I use One Map Javascript API, Get Directions(for bus and mrt) and is there any overlay KML for my own map?

  2. Is there a way to get Land Map?

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